Some AerServ publishers have seen a 795% Higher Fill Rate and 286% Higher Revenue with the AerServ SDK than with an S2S connection. Try the SDK >>
- Display/Banner
- Video
- Native
This document describes how you can send server-side ad requests for your mobile application or mobile website to retrieve display/banner ad units. The AerServ ad server is accessible via a simple HTTP request with GET parameters, and will return a response in an easy to use JSON format.
The AerServ Server-to-Server API makes it simple and easy for publishers to connect with our platform and retrieve display/banner ads outside of SDK libraries. To integrate with AerServ through our Server-to-Server API, follow the integration process and technical specifications below.
First Steps
- The first step is to get an aerBanner PLC. This link describes how to obtain one.
- Then set up a server-side connection to the AerServ API to request and retrieve display/banner ad units using the Test banner PLC listed in the 'Testing' section below.
- Once the server-side connection is setup and you are able to request and retrieve ads you are good to go live. When you go live make sure to switch out the test PLC with the aerBanner PLC you created in the first step.
API Overview
The AerServ Server-to-Server API is designed to be a simple and flexible way to request display/banner ad units for any mobile device. The API accepts simple GET requests, with optional and required parameters in the query string portion of the URL. The parameters must be encoded as key/value pairs using standard HTTP URL-encoding principles.
Basic Ad Request
The AerServ server-to-server API endpoint is:
The text surrounded by brackets [ ] in the example above, is just a placeholder and should be replaced with values prior to sending the request to AerServ.
Parameter Overview
adid |
Advertising ID - Unhashed Apple IDFA or Google AdId |
bbd606b1-32ab-4a1e- |
N/A | Required | Both | String |
age |
Age Demographic Information |
22 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
appname | Application Name | Tien%Len%Online | N/A |
Required * Passing a application name is required. However, if you have set up your app in the AerServ platform using an Apple App Store URL or Google Play Store URL,AerServ can extract the application name from our system and you are not required to pass it in your ad request. |
Both |
String (encoded) |
appversion |
Application Version |
1.5 | N/A |
Optional |
Both |
String |
bundleid |
App Bundle ID |
com.popcap.ios.BejBlitz |
N/A |
Required * Passing a BundleID is required. However, if you have set up your app in the AerServ platform using an Apple App Store URL or Google Play Store URL,AerServ can extract the BundleID from this field and you are not required to pass it in your ad request.
Both |
String (encoded) |
carrier |
Cell carrier |
Verizon |
N/A |
Optional |
Both |
String (encoded) |
cb |
A unique number generated (guid) to prevent a browser from caching the ad and to ensure a unique call to the server for each ad. This macro helps eliminate discrepancies with outside servers |
46170 |
Required | Required | Both | String |
dh | Device screen height. | 480 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
dnt |
Do Not Track . Values: 1 - for do not track is enabled, 0 - for allow to track |
1 | N/A | Required | Both | Boolean |
dw |
Device screen width. |
320 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
gdpr |
Flag to signify whether the request needs to be treated under gdpr compliance. Omission indicates compliance is unknown |
1,0 | Optional | Optional | Both | Boolean |
gdpr_consent |
Flag to signify that the end user has given consent to use and process their data. Omission indicates no consent. |
1,0 | Optional | Optional | Both | Boolean |
gender |
Gender demographic information. Values: male, female |
male | Optional | Optional | Both | String |
inttype |
Device ID Type. Values: 1 - Mobile/Tablet, 2 - Personal Computer, 3 - Connected TV, 4 - Phone, 5 - Tablet |
1 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
ip |
Client IP Address |
123.456.78.9 |
Required | Required | Both | String |
key |
Response type from the server. |
1(js), 2(html), 3(for JSON) |
Required | Required | Both | Integer |
lat |
Latitude of Device |
33.58 |
N/A | Optional | Both | Float |
locationsource |
Origination of Lat/Long. Values: 1 - GPS, 2 - Derived from IP |
1 |
Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
long | Longitude of device | 117.73 | N/A | Optional | Both | Float |
make | Device Make | apple | Optional | Optional | Both | String (encoded) |
model | Device Model | iPhone 7 | Optional | Optional | Both | String (encoded) |
mraid |
MRAID Flag 1 = allow MRAID 0 = do not allow |
1,0 | Optional | Optional | Banner | Boolean |
network |
The connection your device is using |
wifi, carrier | N/A | Optional | Both | String (encoded) |
os | Operating System | iOS | Optional | Optional | Both | String (encoded) |
osv | Operating System Version | 10.1 | Optional | Optional | Both | String |
pchain |
TAG payment chain. ex. pchain=[PCHAIN] |
123:xyz | Strongly Recommended | Strongly Recommended | Both | String (encoded) |
pl |
Indicates whether the call is for a preloaded ad. Values: 0 designates a call for an ad that will be displayed right away, 1 designates a call made to preload an ad |
1 | N/A | Required | Both | Integer |
plc |
plc - the PLC number sets the width and height |
1000308 | Required | Required | Both | Integer |
site_appstore_id |
Apple appstore ID |
123456789 | N/A |
Required for IOS |
Both |
Integer |
siteurl | App Store URL | |
N/A |
Required * Passing a app store URL is required. However, if you have set up your app in the AerServ platform using an Apple App Store URL or Google Play Store URL,AerServ can extract the app store URL from our system and you are not required to pass it in your ad request. |
Both |
String (encoded) |
type |
Device Type. Values: phone, tablet |
Tablet | Optional | Optional | Both | String |
ua | Client User Agent |
Mozilla%2F5.0%20 |
Required | Required | Both | String (encoded) |
url |
The full page URL where advertisement will be displayed |
Required | N/A | Both | String (encoded) | |
vpaid |
VPAID flag set this if you would like or dislike VPAID ads. Values: 1=allow, 0=do not allow |
1 | Optional | Optional | Video | Integer |
vph |
Video player height |
480 | Optional | Optional | Video | Integer |
vpw | Video player width | 360 | Optional | Optional | Video | Integer |
yob | Year of birth demographic information | 1985 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
Request Requirements:
- All values passed in the request to AerServ should be URL encoded
- All values passed (ie IP, User Agent) need to be from the client and not the server
- The placeholder text (ie [APP_STORE_URL]) should always be removed from the request.
- If an optional parameter (such as 'Application Version' for In-App) does not have a value then the parameter name should still be sent with a blank value
- Sending as much data as possible, including the optional parameters, can improve the fill rate
- XFF header must be included and contain the client IP. Per XFF protocol client IP should be the leftmost IP. IE. X-Forwarded-For: client, proxy1, proxy23
- If sending an IP through the ad request parameter (i.e.[PLACEMENT]&key=3&, make sure the same IP value in the ad request parameter is contained in the request headers for the IP
A sample In App HTML request with the values inserted would look like the following:
A sample Mobile Web HTML request with the values inserted would look like the following:
Ad Response Formats
The response returned from the AerServ server-to-server display/banner API with a key value of '3' will be JSON.
An example of a JSON response is below:
"size": [
"id": [
"content":"<a href=\"
&adsid=1000313&asplcid=1000310&xch=7&rd=\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\
"\" width=\"320\" height=\"50\"
border=\"0\" />",
"tracker" : "
&buyer=Aerify&ad_source_priority=10&ev=1", "creative_id" : "1007352", "ad_source_name" :
"Publisher Ad Source Name",
"publisher_cpm" : 3,
"impression_events" : [
- The 'size' element in the JSON is the size of the ad unit
- The 'id' element in the JSON is a unique ID for this ad request
- The 'content' element in the JSON is the actual banner/display content which can be rendered
- The 'tracker' element in the JSON is the impression tracking pixel. The publisher needs to fire this URI when the ad markup is delivered to the page or app in order for AerServ to record it as an impression. The publisher can include it in an html <img> tag and append it to the end of the ad 'content'/'markup' code (see example below).
- The 'creative_id' element in the JSON is the ID for the creative in the ad which can be used to track the creative and report issues with it to AerServ. The value is a string.
- The 'ad_source_name' element in the JSON is the name of the ad source that provided the ad
- The 'publisher_cpm' element in the JSON is the CPM price paid to the publisher for this ad
- The 'impression_events' element in the JSON is the tracking pixel for when the ad actually renders/displays on the page. If the publisher has the capability, they need to fire this URI when the ad renders/displays on the page or app. This URI should only fire when the ad is actually displayed on the page and not when the ad code is delivered to the page (the tracker element above is to be fired when the ad code is delivered to the page). If the publisher is not able to fire this URI when the ad actually renders/displays, then they can ignore this field. Regardless of whether the publisher has the ability to fire this URL or not they should still fire the 'tracker' element.
You can test your display/banner server-to-server API connection in a few locations in the AerServ Platform:
- The Create Placement Pop-Up
- The Edit Placement Page
- The Integration Page
On each of these pages, you will see an "Ad Mode" toggle switch that will allow you to toggle between Test Ads and Live Ads. When the toggle is set to "Test," test ads will run through your placement to help verify your integration.[APP_NAME]&siteurl=[APP_STORE_URL]&appversion=[APP_VERSION]&network=[NETWORK_CONNECTION]&dnt=[DO_NOT_TRACK]&adid=[UNHASHED_APPLE_IDFA_OR_GOOGLE_ADVERTISING_ID]&ip=[DEVICE_IP_ADDRESS]&make=[DEVICE_MAKE]&model=[DEVICE_MODEL]&os=[DEVICE_OS]&osv=[DEVICE_OSV]&type=[DEVICE_TYPE]&ua=[ENCODED_USER_AGENT]&carrier=[CELL_CARRIER]&locationsource=[LAT_LONG_SOURCE_ORIGINATION]&carrier=[CELL_CARRIER]&locationsource=[LAT_LONG_SOURCE_ORIGINATION]&carrier=[CELL_CARRIER]&dw=[DEVICE_SCREEN_WIDTH]&dh=[DEVICE_SCREEN_HEIGHT]&pchain=[PCHAIN]
Error Responses
If no ad can be found a HTTP 200 response will be returned with empty JSON as follows:
{"error" : "No ads available"}
If the server times out (error code is 408) before an ad can be retrieved, then the following JSON will be returned:
{"error" : "408"}
This document describes how you can send server-side ad requests for your mobile application or mobile website to retrieve mobile video ad units. The AerServ ad server is accessible via a simple HTTP request with GET parameters, and will return a response a VAST XML ad unit with JSON.
The AerServ Server-to-Server API makes it simple and easy for publishers to connect with our platform and retrieve video ads outside of SDK libraries. To integrate with AerServ through our Server-to-Server API, follow the integration process and technical specifications below.
First Steps
- The first step is to get an aerVideo PLC. This link describes how to obtain one.
- The next step is to setup a server-side connection to the AerServ API to request and retrieve video ad units using the Test video PLC listed in the 'Testing' section below.
- Once the server-side connection is setup and you are able to request and retrieve ads you are good to go live. When you go live make sure to switch out the test PLC with the aerVideo PLC you created in the first step.
API Overview
The AerServ Server-Server API is designed to be a simple and flexible way to request mobile video ad units for any mobile device. The API accepts simple GET requests, with optional and required parameters in the query string portion of the URL. The parameters must be encoded as key/value pairs using standard HTTP URL-encoding principles.
Basic Ad Request
The AerServ server-to-server API endpoint is:
The text surrounded by brackets [ ] in the example above, is just a placeholder and should be replaced with values prior to sending the request to AerServ.
Parameter Overview
adid |
Advertising ID - Unhashed Apple IDFA or Google AdId |
bbd606b1-32ab-4a1e- |
N/A | Required | Both | String |
age |
Age Demographic Information |
22 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
appname | Application Name | Tien%Len%Online | N/A |
Required * Passing a application name is required. However, if you have set up your app in the AerServ platform using an Apple App Store URL or Google Play Store URL,AerServ can extract the application name from our system and you are not required to pass it in your ad request. |
Both |
String (encoded) |
appversion |
Application Version |
1.5 | N/A |
Optional |
Both |
String |
bundleid |
App Bundle ID |
com.popcap.ios.BejBlitz |
N/A |
Required * Passing a BundleID is required. However, if you have set up your app in the AerServ platform using an Apple App Store URL or Google Play Store URL,AerServ can extract the BundleID from this field and you are not required to pass it in your ad request.
Both |
String (encoded) |
carrier |
Cell carrier |
Verizon |
N/A |
Optional |
Both |
String (encoded) |
cb |
A unique number generated (guid) to prevent a browser from caching the ad and to ensure a unique call to the server for each ad. This macro helps eliminate discrepancies with outside servers |
46170 |
Required | Required | Both | String |
coppa |
Indicates if your app requires COPPA regulation. COPPA imposes certain requirements on operators of websites or online services directed to children under 13 years of age, and on operators of other websites or online services that have actual knowledge that they are collecting personal information online from a child under 13 years of age. Values: 1=yes , 0=no |
1 | Optional | Optional | Both | Boolean |
ctm1 |
Custom value pub would like to pass. |
Foo | Optional | Optional | Both | String |
ctm2 |
Custom value pub would like to pass. |
Foo | Optional | Optional | Both | String |
dh | Device screen height. | 480 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
dnt |
Do Not Track . Values: 1 - for do not track is enabled, 0 - for allow to track |
1 | N/A | Required | Both | Boolean |
dw |
Device screen width. |
320 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
gdpr |
Flag to signify whether the request needs to be treated under gdpr compliance. Omission indicates compliance is unknown |
1,0 | Optional | Optional | Both | Boolean |
gdpr_consent |
Flag to signify that the end user has given consent to use and process their data. Omission indicates no consent. |
1,0 | Optional | Optional | Both | Boolean |
gender |
Gender demographic information. Values: male, female |
male | Optional | Optional | Both | String |
inttype |
Device ID Type. Values: 1 - Mobile/Tablet, 2 - Personal Computer, 3 - Connected TV, 4 - Phone, 5 - Tablet |
1 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
ip |
Client IP Address |
123.456.78.9 |
Required | Required | Both | String |
key |
Response type from the server. |
1(js), 2(html), 3(for JSON) |
Required | Required | Both | Integer |
lat |
Latitude of Device |
33.58 |
N/A | Optional | Both | Float |
locationsource |
Origination of Lat/Long. Values: 1 - GPS, 2 - Derived from IP |
1 |
Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
long | Longitude of device | 117.73 | N/A | Optional | Both | Float |
make | Device Make | apple | Optional | Optional | Both | String (encoded) |
model | Device Model | iPhone 7 | Optional | Optional | Both | String (encoded) |
mraid |
MRAID Flag 1 = allow MRAID 0 = do not allow |
1,0 | Optional | Optional | Banner | Boolean |
network |
The connection your device is using |
wifi, carrier | N/A | Optional | Both | String (encoded) |
os | Operating System | iOS | Optional | Optional | Both | String (encoded) |
osv | Operating System Version | 10.1 | Optional | Optional | Both | String |
pchain |
TAG payment chain. ex. pchain=[PCHAIN] |
123:xyz | Strongly Recommended | Strongly Recommended | Both | String (encoded) |
pl |
Indicates whether the call is for a preloaded ad. Values: 0 designates a call for an ad that will be displayed right away, 1 designates a call made to preload an ad |
1 | N/A | Required | Both | Integer |
plc |
plc - the PLC number sets the width and height |
1000308 | Required | Required | Both | Integer |
site_appstore_id |
Apple appstore ID |
123456789 | N/A |
Required for IOS |
Both |
Integer |
siteurl | App Store URL | |
N/A |
Required * Passing a app store URL is required. However, if you have set up your app in the AerServ platform using an Apple App Store URL or Google Play Store URL,AerServ can extract the app store URL from our system and you are not required to pass it in your ad request. |
Both |
String (encoded) |
type |
Device Type. Values: phone, tablet |
Tablet | Optional | Optional | Both | String |
ua | Client User Agent |
Mozilla%2F5.0%20 |
Required | Required | Both | String (encoded) |
url |
The full page URL where advertisement will be displayed |
Required | N/A | Both | String (encoded) | |
vpaid |
VPAID flag set this if you would like or dislike VPAID ads. Values: 1=allow, 0=do not allow |
1 | Optional | Optional | Video | Integer |
vph |
Video player height |
480 | Optional | Optional | Video | Integer |
vpw | Video player width | 360 | Optional | Optional | Video | Integer |
yob | Year of birth demographic information | 1985 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
Request Requirements:
- All values passed in the request to AerServ should be URL encoded
- All values passed (ie IP, User Agent) need to be from the client and not the server
- The placeholder text should always be removed from the request
- If a parameter (such as 'Application Version' for In App) does not have a value then the parameter name should still be sent with a blank value
- Sending as much data as possible, including the optional parameters, can improve the fill rate
- A User Agent must be sent in the headers of the request in order for a valid response to be returned
- If sending an IP through the ad request parameter (i.e.[PLACEMENT]&key=3&, make sure the same IP value in the ad request parameter is contained in the request headers for the IP
A sample In App request with the values inserted would look like the following:
A sample Mobile Web request with the values inserted would look like the following:
Ad Response Formats
The response returned from the AerServ server-to-server video API with a key value of '3' will be JSON.
An example of a JSON response is below:
"size" : "",
"id" : "e58b2bbc-9cd0-4c1b-9372-39e9b5c757db",
"content" : "<!--?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?-->AerServ<![CDATA[null]]><![CDATA[[ERRORCODE]]]><![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]>00:00:15.015<![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[aerMarket network for PLC 1000596]]></AerServAdSource></Extension><Extension type=\"Value\"><AerServPublisherPrice price=\"0.001\" pricingModel=\"per\"/></Extension></Extensions></InLine></Ad></VAST>",
"tracker" : "",
"creative_id" : "1000545",
"ad_source_name" : "Publisher Ad Source Name",
"publisher_cpm" : 5,
"impression_events" : [""]
- The 'size' element in the JSON is the size of the ad unit - it may be blank
- The 'id' element in the JSON is a unique ID for this ad request
- The 'content' element in the JSON is the actual video VAST XML to be sent to the video player
- The 'tracker' element in the JSON is impression tracking pixel. This tracking pixel is already contained within the VAST XML so you do not need to use this field.
- The 'creative_id' element in the JSON is the ID for the creative in the ad which can be used to track the creative and report issues with it to Aerserv. The value is a string.
- The 'ad_source_name' element in the JSON is the name of the ad source that provided the ad
- The 'publisher_cpm' element in the JSON is the CPM price paid to the publisher for this ad
- The 'impression_events' element in the JSON is the tracking pixel for when the ad actually renders/displays on the page. This field can be ignored for video.
You can test your video server-to-server API connection in a few locations in the AerServ Platform:
- The Create Placement Pop-Up
- The Edit Placement Page
- The Integration Page
On each of these pages, you will see an "Ad Mode" toggle switch that will allow you to toggle between Test Ads and Live Ads. When the toggle is set to "Test," test ads will run through your placement to help verify your integration.[APP_NAME]&siteurl=[APP_STORE_URL]&appversion=[APP_VERSION]&network=[NETWORK_CONNECTION]&dnt=[DO_NOT_TRACK]&adid=[UNHASHED_APPLE_IDFA_OR_GOOGLE_ADVERTISING_ID]&ip=[DEVICE_IP_ADDRESS]&make=[DEVICE_MAKE]&model=[DEVICE_MODEL]&os=[DEVICE_OS]&osv=[DEVICE_OSV]&type=[DEVICE_TYPE]&ua=[ENCODED_USER_AGENT]&carrier=[CELL_CARRIER]&locationsource=[LAT_LONG_SOURCE_ORIGINATION]&carrier=[CELL_CARRIER]&locationsource=[LAT_LONG_SOURCE_ORIGINATION]&dw=[DEVICE_SCREEN_WIDTH]&dh=[DEVICE_SCREEN_HEIGHT]
Error Responses
If no ad can be found a HTTP 200 response will be returned with empty JSON as follows:
{"error" : "No ads available"}
If the server times out (error code is 408) before an ad can be retrieved, then the following JSON will be returned:
{"error" : "408"}
This document describes how you can send server-side ad requests for your mobile application or mobile website to retrieve native ad units. The AerServ ad server is accessible via a simple HTTP request with GET parameters, and will return a response a VAST XML ad unit with JSON.
The AerServ Server-to-Server API makes it simple and easy for publishers to connect with our platform and retrieve native ads outside of SDK libraries. To integrate with AerServ through our Server-to-Server API, follow the integration process and technical specifications below.
First Steps
- The first step is to get an aerNative PLC. This link describes how to obtain one.
- The next step is to setup a server-side connection to the AerServ API to request and retrieve video ad units using the Test video PLC listed in the 'Testing' section below.
- Once the server-side connection is setup and you are able to request and retrieve ads you are good to go live. When you go live make sure to switch out the test PLC with the aerNative PLC you created in the first step.
API Overview
The AerServ Server-Server API is designed to be a simple and flexible way to request native ad units for any mobile device. The API accepts simple GET requests, with optional and required parameters in the query string portion of the URL. The parameters must be encoded as key/value pairs using standard HTTP URL-encoding principles.
Basic Ad Request
The AerServ server-to-server API endpoint is:
The text surrounded by brackets [ ] in the example above, is just a placeholder and should be replaced with values prior to sending the request to AerServ.
Parameter Overview
adid |
Advertising ID - Unhashed Apple IDFA or Google AdId |
bbd606b1-32ab-4a1e- |
N/A | Required | Both | String |
age |
Age Demographic Information |
22 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
appname | Application Name | Tien%Len%Online | N/A |
Required * Passing a application name is required. However, if you have set up your app in the AerServ platform using an Apple App Store URL or Google Play Store URL,AerServ can extract the application name from our system and you are not required to pass it in your ad request. |
Both |
String (encoded) |
appversion |
Application Version |
1.5 | N/A |
Optional |
Both |
String |
bundleid |
App Bundle ID |
com.popcap.ios.BejBlitz |
N/A |
Required * Passing a BundleID is required. However, if you have set up your app in the AerServ platform using an Apple App Store URL or Google Play Store URL,AerServ can extract the BundleID from this field and you are not required to pass it in your ad request.
Both |
String (encoded) |
carrier |
Cell carrier |
Verizon |
N/A |
Optional |
Both |
String (encoded) |
cb |
A unique number generated (guid) to prevent a browser from caching the ad and to ensure a unique call to the server for each ad. This macro helps eliminate discrepancies with outside servers |
46170 |
Required | Required | Both | String |
coppa |
Indicates if your app requires COPPA regulation. COPPA imposes certain requirements on operators of websites or online services directed to children under 13 years of age, and on operators of other websites or online services that have actual knowledge that they are collecting personal information online from a child under 13 years of age. Values: 1=yes , 0=no |
1 | Optional | Optional | Both | Boolean |
ctm1 |
Custom value pub would like to pass. |
Foo | Optional | Optional | Both | String |
ctm2 |
Custom value pub would like to pass. |
Foo | Optional | Optional | Both | String |
dh | Device screen height. | 480 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
dnt |
Do Not Track . Values: 1 - for do not track is enabled, 0 - for allow to track |
1 | N/A | Required | Both | Boolean |
dw |
Device screen width. |
320 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
gdpr |
Flag to signify whether the request needs to be treated under gdpr compliance. Omission indicates compliance is unknown. |
1,0 | Optional | Optional | Both | Boolean |
gdpr_consent |
Flag to signify that the end user has given consent to use and process their data. Omission indicates no consent. |
1,0 | Optional | Optional | Both | Boolean |
gender |
Gender demographic information. Values: male, female |
male | Optional | Optional | Both | String |
inttype |
Device ID Type. Values: 1 - Mobile/Tablet, 2 - Personal Computer, 3 - Connected TV, 4 - Phone, 5 - Tablet |
1 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
ip |
Client IP Address |
123.456.78.9 |
Required | Required | Both | String |
key |
Response type from the server. |
1(js), 2(html), 3(for JSON) |
Required | Required | Both | Integer |
lat |
Latitude of Device |
33.58 |
N/A | Optional | Both | Float |
locationsource |
Origination of Lat/Long. Values: 1 - GPS, 2 - Derived from IP |
1 |
Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
long | Longitude of device | 117.73 | N/A | Optional | Both | Float |
make | Device Make | apple | Optional | Optional | Both | String (encoded) |
model | Device Model | iPhone 7 | Optional | Optional | Both | String (encoded) |
mraid |
MRAID Flag 1 = allow MRAID 0 = do not allow |
1,0 | Optional | Optional | Banner | Boolean |
network |
The connection your device is using |
wifi, carrier | N/A | Optional | Both | String (encoded) |
os | Operating System | iOS | Optional | Optional | Both | String (encoded) |
osv | Operating System Version | 10.1 | Optional | Optional | Both | String |
pchain |
TAG payment chain. ex. pchain=[PCHAIN] |
123:xyz | Strongly Recommended | Strongly Recommended | Both | String (encoded) |
pl |
Indicates whether the call is for a preloaded ad. Values: 0 designates a call for an ad that will be displayed right away, 1 designates a call made to preload an ad |
1 | N/A | Required | Both | Integer |
plc |
plc - the PLC number sets the width and height |
1000308 | Required | Required | Both | Integer |
site_appstore_id |
Apple appstore ID |
123456789 | N/A |
Required for IOS |
Both |
Integer |
siteurl | App Store URL | |
N/A |
Required * Passing a app store URL is required. However, if you have set up your app in the AerServ platform using an Apple App Store URL or Google Play Store URL,AerServ can extract the app store URL from our system and you are not required to pass it in your ad request. |
Both |
String (encoded) |
type |
Device Type. Values: phone, tablet |
Tablet | Optional | Optional | Both | String |
ua | Client User Agent |
Mozilla%2F5.0%20 |
Required | Required | Both | String (encoded) |
url |
The full page URL where advertisement will be displayed |
Required | N/A | Both | String (encoded) | |
vpaid |
VPAID flag set this if you would like or dislike VPAID ads. Values: 1=allow, 0=do not allow |
1 | Optional | Optional | Video | Integer |
vph |
Video player height |
480 | Optional | Optional | Video | Integer |
vpw | Video player width | 360 | Optional | Optional | Video | Integer |
yob | Year of birth demographic information | 1985 | Optional | Optional | Both | Integer |
Request Requirements:
- All values passed in the request to AerServ should be URL encoded
- All values passed (ie IP, User Agent) need to be from the client and not the server
- The placeholder text (ie. [APP_STORE_URL]) should always be removed from the request
- If a parameter (such as 'Application Version' for In App) does not have a value then the parameter name should still be sent with a blank value
- Sending as much data as possible, including the optional parameters, can improve the fill rate
- XFF header must be included and contain the client IP. Per XFF protocol client IP should be the leftmost IO.
- Ie. X-Forwarded-For: client, proxy1, proxy23
- If sending an IP through the ad request parameter (i.e.[PLACEMENT]&key=3&, make sure the same IP value in the ad request parameter is contained in the request headers for the IP
A sample In App HTML request with the values inserted would look like the following:
A sample Mobile Web request with the values inserted would look like the following:
Native Ads API Integration
For more details on how to successfully integrate native ads with AerServ, please view our full-length Native Ads API Integration Doc.
Native placements require manual testing. Please reach out to your Publisher Account Manager to test your native placements.
Error Responses
If no ad can be found a HTTP 200 response will be returned with empty JSON as follows:
{"error" : "No ads available"}
If the server times out (error code is 408) before an ad can be retrieved, then the following JSON will be returned:
{"error" : "408"}