
How to Set Up InMobi as an Ad Source

Ad Source Details:


Table of Contents


How to to Set Up the InMobi SDK Ad Source


Step 1:   Log on to and click on the Ad Sources tab

Step 2:   Click the + or the Add New Ad Source button

Step 3:   Enter a Name for the ad source (example: InMobi Video)

Step 4:   Select InMobi SDK as the ad source

Step 5:   Select one of the following options from the Ad Type drop-down list:

  • Video
  • Interstitial HTML
  • Banner HTML

Step 6:   Enter the following fields, specific to the InMobi ad source: 


Account ID

Unique Account ID assigned by InMobi for every publisher.

Placement ID

Unique Publisher ID assigned by InMobi.


 Banner Size

 Dimensions of InMobi Banner Ad.

Required for Banner 


Step 7: Enter estimated CPM (e.g. 3.50).

Note: This value is used as the default CPM, not the floor.

Step 8: Select the desired Placement the ad source will be bound to.

Step 9: Configure Country or DMA targeting.

Step 10: Configure Device targeting.

Step 11: Click Save.


Locating Your InMobi Credentials credentials_inmobi.png

Step 1: Navigate to the MONETIZE page.

Step 2: Locate the desired app/site, and click Placements button.

Step 3: Click the desired placement name.


  • You will find the Placement ID (1) in this Placement Settings popup.
  • Your Account ID is available in your InMobi account as illustrated below:




Step 1. Locate the InMobi files inside network-support/InMobi/

Step 2. Add InMobi-X.X.X to your app's lib folder, i.e. [Project Name]/app/libs

Step 3. Add the following settings inside your application's build.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2'
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''


Step 4. Add the following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<!-- Required by InMobi --> 
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />


If the publisher requests for rich-media ads, they need to add the following permissions 

<uses-permission android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALENDAR" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />


Step 5. Add the following activity to your AndroidManifest.xml:

android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation|keyboard|smallestScreenSize|screenSize|screenLayout" android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:resizeableActivity="false" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar" tools:ignore="UnusedAttribute"></activity>



Add the InMobi SDK in the folder network-support/InMobi/InMobiSDK.framework into your project.

Add the following libraries and frameworks to Target > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries:

  • libsqlite3.0.tbd
  • libz.tbd
  • WebKit.framework



How to Set Up the InMobi S2S Ad Source


Step 1:   Log on to and click on the Ad Sources link at the top of the page

Step 2:   Click the + or the Add New Ad Source button on the page

Step 3:   Enter a Name for the ad source (example: InMobi Video)

Step 4:   Select InMobi as the ad source

Step 5:   Select VideoInterstitial HTML, or Banner HTML in the Ad Type drop down menu

Step 6:   Enter the following fields that are specific to the InMobi ad source: 


Placement ID

Unique Publisher ID assigned by InMobi.



Step 7: Enter estimated CPM (e.g. 3.50).

Note: This value is used as the default CPM, not the floor.

Step 8: Select desired Placement to bind this ad source to,

Step 9: Configure Country or DMA targeting.

Step 10: Configure Device targeting.

Step 11: Click Save.


Locating Your InMobi Credentials 


Step 1: Navigate to the MONETIZE page.

Step 2: Locate the desired app/site, and click the Placements button.

Step 3: Click on the desired placement name.

Step 4: You will find the Placement ID (1) in this placement settings popup.



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