
How to Set Up Unity Ads as an Ad Source

Ad Source Details:

Ad Source:

Ad Formats Supported: 
Ad Type: Interstitial Video
Ad Source Type: SDK Adapter
Sign Up Page:
Support Page:

Step 1:  Adding an Ad source

  1. Click the Ad Sources tab
  2. Click the + button to add an ad source

Step 2:  Fill in the Unity Ads info

  1. Enter a Name for the ad source (example: Unity Android Interstitial)
  2. Select Unity in the dropdown box
  3. Select Ad type: Interstitial HTML for Interstitial Ads
  4. Enter the required UnityGameID (example: 69658)
  5. Enter the UnityZoneId - Zone ID (defaults to default zone):  Zone ID is created when creating your ad placement in the Unity Ads Platform (example: videoZoneId)
  6. Enter the optional UnityTestMode (Yes or No) - Use this to verify integration with Unity test ads  
  7. Enter the estimated CPM
  8. Select desired Placement
  9. Set Priority
  10. Select Countries targeting
  11. Select Device targeting
  12. Click Save

Step 3:  Locating the Unity Game and Zone ID

  1. Log on to the Unity Ads Developer account and click the Games menu
  2. Click the Monetization Settings Tab
  3. Game ID: Created when you added your app (example: 69658)
  4. Zone ID:  Created when you ad your ad placement. Leaving blank will default to defaultzone (example: videoZoneID)
  5. Optional Test Mode (Client Setting)




AerServ SDK


Step 1.   Locate the UnityAds files inside network-support/Unity/

Step 2.   Add unity-ads.aar to your app's lib folder, i.e. [Project Name]/app/libs

Step 3.   Add the following settings inside your application's build.gradle

dependencies {
    compile ''
    compile(name:'unity-ads', ext:'ext')





AerServ SDK


Step 1.   Add the Unity Ads SDK in the folder network-support/AdColony/AdColony.framework into your project frameworks.

 Add the following libraries and frameworks to Target > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries:

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