
How to Set Up Rubicon Project as an Ad Source

Ad Source Details:



How to Set Up Rubicon Project as an Ad Source


Step 1:   Log on to and click on the Ad Sources link at the top of the page

Step 2:   Click the + or the Add New Ad Source button on the page

Step 3:   Enter a Name for the ad source (example: Rubicon Project Video)

Step 4:   Select Rubicon as the ad source

Step 5:   Select Video, Interstitial HTML, or Banner HTML in the Ad Type drop down menu

Step 6:   Enter the following fields that are specific to the Rubicon Project ad source:


Site ID

A numerical string, assigned by Rubicon Project, located in the URL of the Site.

Zone ID A numerical string, assigned by Rubicon Project, located in the URL of the Zone. Required
Size ID For Interstitial HTML and Banner HTML only. Required


Step 7: Enter estimated CPM (e.g. 3.50). This value is used as the bid floor.

Step 8: Select desired Placement

Step 9: Select Country or DMA targeting

Step 10: Select Device targeting

Step 11: Click Save



Locating Rubicon Project Credentials

Site ID & Zone ID


Step 1: Click on the menu bar and navigate to the Inventory Setup > Inventory Management page

Step 2: Select the desired Site from the list

Step 3: Locate the Site ID in the URL (1)

Step 4: Navigate to the Zones tab within the Site settings

Step 5: Select the desired Zone (Placement) from the list

Step 6: Locate the Zone ID in the URL (2)


Size ID


Step 1: Click on the menu bar and navigate to the Inventory Setup > Inventory Management page

Step 2: Locate the desired site and click Get Site Tags

Step 3: Select the desired zones and ad sizes and select Get Tags

Step 4: The Size ID is located under the rp_zonesize, after the hyphen (1)





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